
J Cole “4 Your Eyez Only” Broke The Anticipated Sales Record

J Cole “4 Your Eyez Only” Broke The Anticipated Sales Record,  J. Cole has exceeded all expectations with this one. A few days ago, it was predicted that Cole’s first week numbers for 4 Your Eyez Only would be pretty massive – ending up somewhere between 400-500k.




As it turns out, he’s going to do even better than that. According to Billboard, J. Cole’s “4 Your Eyez Only” will be around 550,000 units, making it the third best first week sales of the year after Drake (Views) and Beyonce (Lemonade). Of that 550k, it is predicted that 360,000 to 380,000 will come from traditional album sales, rather than streaming.

This dude is definitely a bomb when it comes to his artistry and numbers, since they don’t lie.

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