

Hip Hop is a global entertainment and self-expressionist. Hip Hop has become one of the most influential element shaping global entertainment and self-expression.


Big brand businesses see hip hop as a powerful form, thus is widely used as a marketing tool, or strategy by various companies to sell their products. This days is common for a rapper to be endorsed. Hip Hop is a powerful movement, in one of his famous quote, Pac said “I’m not saying I’m gonna rule the world or I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee you that I will spark the brain that will change the world’’. This quote is hip hop itself, it comes from the soul of Rap GOD, Makavelli might have seen this powerful movement from afar.


Music’s purpose is to express and modulate emotions.  Music soothe, psych up, woo, enrage, sadden and cheer us up. In particular, Hip Hop music is more than a music coz Hip Hop doesn’t have limitations, its expressive, spoken and poetic, sways emotions and feelings. Hip Hop is a tool for explaining the complexities of daily life and speaking truth to the power, whether through spoken lyrics, graffiti art, dance or disc jockey mastery. Put the NWA, Em and Pac on this one.


This is a channel for one to express their frustrations, anger, loneliness, or hatred through art forms, than through violence. Although at the end of the day, it’s an entertainment form. Rap, or graffiti art, its expressive and relatable, most of urban youth all over the world carries their crosses for this movement. Rap music is widely praised for being realistic, while other genres are limited to freedom of expression, hip hop takes its stance. almost 60% of rapper grew without fathers, and is pleasing to see dudes from the jungle goin’ ”from ashy to classy” against all odds.


The likes of Biggie, Pac, Eminem, Scarface and Ice cube, used rap to preach their sermons. They expressed their frustration and anger through their rap to voice their concern for underrepresented group, social ills and politics. Hip hop is expressive, and merges both; global entertainment and self expression. all in all, Hip Hop is beautiful artform budding and blossoming day after day.


Fortunes are being made out of this movement, you just sing for this kid and at the end of the day yo get checks. I am more fascinated by the level of self esteem hip hop catz embodies, level of dreams and visions since everyone under this roof proclaims himself or herself higher. In life one should see him or her as a higher somebody, it can not disputed that hip hop is extending people’s persona, it is inspirational and motivational.








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