
The difference between Rappers and MCs.

Heavy distinction is at play between the Rappers and MCs. This days there are millions of rappers than MCs. Could this be due to commercialisation? However there is a thin line, and distinction from both playas. Rappers are entertainer, MCs are more than entertainers.


Primarily, MC’s lean more towards the roots and fundamentals of hip hop like the four pillars, they do not try to put on a pop or mainstream image. Before all the glitz and glamour’s, they are artists, they can spit in their sleep, Freestyle around the clock, and battle you whenever, however and forever! Picture Can- I- BUS on this one……

Rappers are the creative playa, essentially they have a common goal which is to hit mainstream radios and reap from their occupation. The KRS-One, Big L, Nas, Rakim, Talib Kweli, can-i- bus, Immortal and few others earn the title of being MCS coz they are the ‘’ Masters of this Ceremonies’’. The new school ground breakers such as Kendrick and chance are also not to be left out, not to be messed with! Who can forget Kendrick’s control verse?

The real difference between MCs and Rapper is that rappers lives through hip hop, while MCs breathes hip hop coz hip hop is in their soul. MC is a rapper, but a rapper isn’t necessarily an MC. Hip hop is the cultural movement, made up of b-boying (break dancing), rap (the rhyming), graffiti, and DJing. MCs embodies almost all elements of rap and hip hop in general. In a simplest form, MCs as Rakim said, they move the crowd, walk with the audience through the journey. Rappers are the entertainers, though they both doin’ it for HIP HOP and for the love of HIP HOP!

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