
Casspers Answer On What’s Left To Do In His Life

Casspers Answer On What's Left To Do In His Life

Casspers Answer On What’s Left To Do In His Life! Cassper Novest is one of the most successful artists from South Africa of all time. Considering the number of milestones that the rapper has reached in his career, for some it seems as if the rapper has done it all.

The rapper has done some of the biggest Hip Hop concerts in the world, doing bigger numbers than a lot of the international rappers. A fan recently tweeted asking the rapper what was left for him to do in this life considering the rappers achievements in music and business.

“I’m 27 bro. Im very very very young. I still have to trbel@the world and tell our stories, I have to get married and start a family. Make a movie about how we changed the face of African hip hop Foever. Give lectures at schools. Build a school. I have gang things to do basically,” tweeted Cassper responding to the fans question.

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