“Skhanda Republic marked an era not only in SA Hip Hop but in SA music” Says K.O

10 years ago we saw 3 boys that went by the name of Teargas come into the game and we didn’t know how long or how big an impact they were going to have in the entertainment space. Fast forward to 2015 we have 2/3 of the members running a full fledge record company that is pretty much setting trends and running the game.
Teargas became Cashtime after the depature of Ntukza and Smashis who wanted to take their careers in a different direction. After Caracara dropped Cashtime solidified their position in the game as one of the top brands and the movement has been growing since. Rap has taken a different twist inthe last 2 years and a lot of beefs has emerged.
“I fuck with those who fuck wt me on a consistent basis. Not only when its convenient for them” K.O said during his rant on Twittter yesterday. We are not sure what caused the rant but it is assumed that it could be Casspers interview with Dotcom where he talks about meeting K.O and having a conversation with him. K.O later announced that he is dropping a new street smash before the end of the year and we should expect a new album next in 2016.