The 20 Dumbest Rapper Purchases Part 2

We used to think they just used to say it in their songs for fun but cash really does rule everything around rappers, unfortunately common sense does not. When an artist makes it big and finally has money in their pockets they start to compensate for all the bad times they had in the past. Instead of saving up and insuring they never go broke again, they actually spend like crazy people lol. Rappers can be too extravagant when it comes to money, and more often than not, flat out dumb. From multi-million dollar chains to buying your kid two Maybachs in a row, here are The 20 Dumbest Rapper Purchases:
6. Birdman’s One-of-a-Kind Maybach Exelero
Cost: $8 Million
Date: April 2011
Birdman loves cars. At the time, he already had a Maybach Landaulet and a red Bugatti Veyron but then he splurged on this Maybach Exelero. The car can run at a top speed of 218 mph and can go from 0 to 60mph in only 4.4 seconds. Wow. But for $8 million, there’s a lot of things Birdman could have splurged on instead.
7. Diddy Bought His Son Maybachs on Consecutive Birthdays
Cost: Over $756,000 for both
Date: December 2009, December 2010
Diddy got slack for gifting his son, Justin Dior Combs, a $360,000 Maybach for his Sweet Sixteen. Of course, the lavish NYC celebrations were all featured on MTV’s My Super Sweet 16. The next year, Justin was given yet another Maybach for his 17th birthday.
8. T-Pain’s “BIG ASS CHAIN” Chain
Cost: $410,000
Date: June 2009
Big ass cars, big ass clothes, big ass…chains? T-Pain always keeps things real, so real in fact that instead of just buying a big ass chain, he got a chain that reads “BIG ASS CHAIN.” Have you seen T-Pain wearing this chain in the last year?
9. Young Jeezy’s USDA Chain
Cost: $100,000 (Estimated Value)
Date: 2009
Nothing says authenticity like a USDA certification. Young Jeezy spent $100k on jeweled proof that he is hip-hop’s brightest and most certified. Inspected and passed…by the streets, though? Very creative.
10. Game’s Diamond Studded Remote Control Car
Cost: $98,376
Date: April 4, 2013
The Game’s Instagram caption speaks for itself:
S/O to my homie @khriz_jc for killin’ my Bentley GT blood !!!!! Shit hard AF & ready for our photo shoot Friday…. I’m bringing the Fisker & Ghost tomorrow !!!! On another note…. Props to my jeweler @richie_nektalov who put 150 carats (almost $100,000 in diamonds… $98,376 dollars if we gettin technical) in my son @HarlemCaronTaylor’s remote control Bentley GT !!!! My sons toy almost cost more than the real thing…… He said: “Daddy, I want a car like yours when I get older !!! I said: “I got you Harlem… But until then he#StuntinLikeHisDaddy #LikeFatherLikeSon (note to haters: my kids college tuitions & trust funds are already paid up… Just so u know before yo mad ass get to talkin bout what I “SHOULDA” done wit my money) !!!!!! “I’m RICH BIYATCH” (Dave Chappelle