Battle Alert! Tweezy & Gemini Major Set To Go Against Each Other To Prove Who’s Best
Battle Of The Producers!

Battle Alert! Tweezy & Gemini Major Set To Go Against Each Other To Prove Who’s Best. During the lockdown musicians aren’t just seated at home enjoying free time, instead they finding ways to keep fans entertained.
At this point Instagram and Twitter is doing the most in connecting artists with fans.
While DJz are throwing house parties amd delivering music to hang on tight to the relevance and trends, rappers are battling it out. As we all aware, Hip hop music battles are fascinating. Gemini Major and Tweezy as producers decided to use the opportunity.
The talented artists who are names behind of some greatest hits will tonight battle it out in on IG LIVE. No details yet of how it’s going to go about but they about to provide proof on who’s better than who.
“Tomorrow @TweezyZA and I going back to back Live on Instagram,HitsOnHits whos gona time in ?”
10PM (SAST) tonight cc @TweezyZA The revolution of SAHIPHOP ,Which artist you think has the most bangers in our catalogue?
— MR.MAN (@GeminiMajor) April 2, 2020
Which Rapper you think will dominate both me and @TweezyZA catalogue 🐐🐐
— MR.MAN (@GeminiMajor) April 2, 2020
This shit go be lit 🔥 🔥🔥 let’s go‼️
— 16V (@L_Tido) April 1, 2020