New Release: HHP – PASOPA Video [ft Blaqfalconbird & Blasto]

#FeesMustFall is a student led protest movement that began in mid October 2015 in response to an increase in fees at South African universities. The protests also called for higher wages for low earning university staff who worked for private contractors such as cleaning services and campus security and for them to be employed directly by universities.
The Protests started at the University of Witwatersrand and spread to the University of Cape Town and Rhodes University before rapidly spreading to other universities across the country. An educated HHP relates to the struggle the students parents go through to get their children through tertiary education so he decided to speak on on a record.
The video starts off with a clip of Blade Nzimande saying students must fall which was a mockery of the students movement. Clearly this didn’t sit well with Jabba so in the song he denounces our incompetent politicians.