AKA On Being Attacked For Publicly Helping People

When you a celebrity it becomes hard to figure what’s right or wrong when it comes to the public because no matter what you do as a public figure people throw around negative comments.
AKA is one of the celebrities who has lent a helping a hand to different types of people who have been in great suffering by donating money and goods. Recently he also made publicly that he wants to help donate to those who were severely affected by the floods that claimed over 50 lives living countless others homeless.
“I would like to donate whatever I can to those who need it in Umlazi. How does one go about doing so … please advise.” wrote Supa Mega. His tweet had others criticize and question his stance in donating, saying that if he wanted to donate he should make it private and not make it public.
“I want to help, but every time I help I am attacked for doing it in public. When I am quiet I am attacked for not being active. So … can someone please clarify what the protocol is now for celebrities donating to help people who need it the most,’ he tweeted.