10 Things You Need To Do To Be A Successful Musician
10 Things You Need To Do To Be A Successful Musician. There is no “go to” book which tells you everything you need to be a great musician which leaves a lot of people who want to pursue it confused. Check out the 10 Things You Need To Do To Be A Successful Musician:
1. Plan Your Art Career
Decide what you want: You can’t get what you want without a concrete vision of what it is. Deciding what you want is the jumping off point. Once you do that, you are capable of creating the lifestyle of your choice.
2. Have Integrity
A good reputation will get you more work, collectors and clients, and it comes from having integrity. Integrity means doing what you say you’re going to do, when you say you will do it. Meet deadlines, respect your agreements, and make ethical decisions. Make your mother proud.
3. Brand Yourself
Tell your own personal story. Carve your own niche and have your own distinctive style. You’ll be remembered for this.
4. Promote yourself Shamelessly
Marketing is how you announce to the world that you have something to contribute and it’s for sale. Tell everyone that you are an artist. Hand out business cards. Keep your website fresh, because it’s your window to the world. Document your work with photos and video. Ask the media to write about you.
5. Keep the Passion
Being passionate about what you do will shine through you and your work. Think Big. Be a light for your ideas. Never give up. Don’t do things you don’t enjoy. Not for long, anyway.
6. Control Your Copyrights and Use Legal Agreements: Be protective of your style and your name. Use common sense when going into legal agreements. Never sign anything that you don’t fully understand or agree with.
7. Manage Your Money
If you aren’t making a profit, than what you’ve got is a hobby. THINK BEFORE GOING INTO DEBT TO SELL YOUR ART. You must be able to make money off of your craft to be a professional. This means charging the proper amount, handling your money well, and keeping track of expenses. Never give your work away – you hurt your collectors and your fellow artists when you do.
8. Say “yes” to most everything
Be open to trying new mediums and new techniques. Don’t ever be “too busy” to give interviews or to be featured in a book or magazine. Consider all opportunities that come your way, even those that you aren’t sure of.
9. Contribute to the Industry of Art
Network with other artists, help your fellow artists, buy from your favorite artists. Join us in the vision of making the profession of art become a lucrative career.
10. Tenacity
Commit to your craft and don’t look back. Never give up. Realize that you can live the lifestyle that you dream of. It’s within your reach. Remember that you are making a contribution to the world, and it’s important.