Meek Mill Blocked Drake From Having Any After-Parties In Philly

Meek Mill Blocked Drake From Having Any After-Parties In Philly. It appears that not only did Meek Mill‘s team make an attempt to press Drake, 200 deep at his “Summer Sixteen Tour” Philadelphia stop, they also allegedly tried to block Drake from booking any after parties following his concert, TMZ reports.
Word got back to the OVO camp that Meek Mill was telling Philly nightclubs to turn down appearances and that is what prompted Drizzy to call Meek a “pussy” during his “Back To Back” performance at Saturday’s (August 20) show in D.C.
Meek’s camp then called on their hometown to head over to the Wells Fargo Center in full effect. Despite their warnings Drake still clowned Meek during his Philly show, calling Meek a pussy, once again.
Needless to say, Drake didn’t show up to any Philly clubs. He just dipped out the arena with his beefed up security detail right after the show.