“I still need to thank AKA” Says iFani

“I still need to thank AKA” Says iFani after an AKA fan reminded him of when he got trolled out of his moment. The rapper has been in the game for a while now but it’s clear that his career packaged around music anymore.

AKA has never been one to bite his tongue and when iFani went Gold in one day, he did not hesitate to voice his opinion in the fact that the whole process was not legit. iFani denied a brand buying the copies of his album but a particular brand was seen giving away iFani albums on Twitter.
After getting trolled for his dressing and all, iFani has since switched his whole wardrobe up and says he still needs to thank AKA. “I still need to thank him coz from that I learnt a lot abt life and myself. I even changed myself from inside out” he said about the incident.