“Don’t do your clout things on me,” DJ Double Fires Back At DJ Speedsta
Beef alert! Speedsta's views offend another hip hop artist.

“Don’t do your clout things on me,” DJ Double Fires Back At DJ Speedsta. Hip Hop DJ Double D has shown a side of him a lot of people didn’t know of when he told fellow DJ Speedsta where to get off.
The quarrel between the two escalated when Speedsta expressed views about how DJ Double D hasn’t done much for the game.
“Why, what did they do? Dub did NSDJP, mixed & mastered half of the game’s projects ????? respect. Party time did party time play room & The Dorito’s ad.????? respect. What else?” Wrote Speedsta.
The Yeah DJ didn’t react kindly to the comments that seemingly undermined his contributions to the game.
“Oh it’s like that Speedy? Ayt bet keep this same energy bruh ! You forgetting my DJ Course? You forgetting my achievements with LES. Imagine I pull up saying What did you do? Open a skatepark? Dude don’t do your clout things on my name ! Please don’t even go there bruh,” fired back Double D.
Speedsta replied by saying he wasn’t fighting but engaging.
“No Dub. We’re engaging, not fighting. Relax!! I will call you after this. You must remember that when you’re going on about the category you’re basically saying everyone nominated is not supposed to be there which I won’t stand for. I’m here to help not to bring you down,” replied Speeds.
Double D didn’t react kindly to the response and told the Metro FM DJ, “When did I say that bruh? Please don’t put words in my mouth. Keep the same energy bruh that’s all I’m saying ! Save your airtime, I’m good.”