Bontle Modiselle Backs Priddy Ugly On A Fight For His Stolen Twitter Account

Bontle Modiselle Backs Priddy Ugly On A Fight For His Stolen Twitter Account! When Priddy Ugly started a new twitter account after the old one was stolen we thought he was over the stolen one but it seems like he hasn’t given up on it yet.
The guy who stole Priddy’s account is still using it and Priddy is asking twitter/twitterSupport to help him get it back and Bontle Modiselle is backing him all the way.
Starting all over is not easy. We hope Priddy Ugly gets his account back.
Can absolutely nothing be done about this @Twitter @TwitterSupport? All of @ItsPriddyUgly’s content (previously @Priddy_Ugly, the stolen account) is still there. Doesn’t that account for something?
— BonBon (@BontleModiselle) January 30, 2019