Best Reaction Ever!! Popular American YouTuber Reacts To Nasty C’s – Switched Up

Nasty C is no doubt one of South Africa’s best music exports and it’s no surprise that even Jay Z wanted to sign the talented rapper. We stumbled upon a video by a Popular American Youtuber, YICReacts whose reaction To Nasty C’s – Switched Up left us in awe.

Nasty’s Switched Up is straight fire and in South Africa it has been well received. The Nasty’s Switched Up review was the first YICReacts reacted to Nasty C and his reaction projected that he was impressed and respect the talent that is Nasty C.
Check out the Video below
It’s really great to see how Nasty C is putting SA Hip Hop on the map and we excited to see what’s instore for Nasty C in 2017!