Kwesta Announces The #KidsSingBattle

Kwesta Announces The #KidsSingBattle! The rapper has been one of the most daring artists when pushing his music. We can’t really say this competition is to push this record because the song has been sitting on top of the game for a while now.
The rapper suggested the competition via a pole on Twitter and 90% of the people were keen for the battle to happen. “How about a #NgiyazfelaNgawe #KidsSingBattle for kids aged 3-9? Unlike #LipSyncBattle anyone can enter online & the kids must really SING” he explained.
“#KidsSingBattle Entry details & prizes will be posted Friday. Enter between 2-22 July. Top 10 will be announced 23rd & winner on July 31st” said Kwesta. We are super excited about the competition and can’t wait to get all the details this Friday.