“I wouldn’t be famous if it wasn’t for Emtee,” Sjava Clarifies The Role Emtee Played On Ambitiouz Entertainment

“I wouldn’t be famous if it wasn’t for Emtee,” Sjava Clarifies The Role Emtee Played On Ambitiouz Entertainment. Last week hip hop fans debated amongst themselves the topic of the role Emtee played on his now former record label Ambitiouz Entertainment.
One tweep posted that AE became big and top because of Emtee, meaning that he made it tons of money and was the reason it brought in more artists who escalated its status. A counter point of argument was that the label had or has the likes of Sjava, Fifi Cooper, Saudi, Areece & Blaq Diamond who did or are doing amazing things.
“So guys are you saying the likes of sjava, blad diamond, Areece, etc would of never popped if it wasn’t for emtee? Coz ngokukwazi kwami its ambitious who found these guys not emtee,” wrote a tweep.
To shed some clarity into the topic Sjava revealed that if it wasn’t for Emtee he wouldn’t be famous. He also said that he brought in A-reece and Blaq Diamond.
“Ngabe awungazi if i never met the Hustla i came with him to the Label and i brought in Blaq Diamond and Reece first single had Emtee in it to give it a boost,”
He then added that it’s not a matter of Emtee making the label or the label making him, instead it was 50/50 effort from both ends.
“ATM came with the Blueprint The label brought in the Money and the push Label yamsiza uEmtee naye wayisiza its 50/50,” wrote Sjava.
Emtee has already began working with a number of artists including A-Reece followin his departure from Ambitiouz Entertainment.