Here’s How Much AKA Charges Per Show

Here’s How Much AKA Charges Per Show. September started off a bit tense for AKA who dominated the news channels for his “twar” with Nigerians.
Even with the backlash Supa Mega received he still preached one love for all Africans. To clarify his statements about Nigerians he visited one of a national radio station of the country. He went ahead even with the threats that have been sent to him. A number of Nigerian citizens told him to never set foot in their country or hell will break loose.
To show that he was unfazed by the threats, he flew there and continued on to say he has nothing to apologize for.
“PLEASE!!! Can we STOP. We are going to make things worse for everybody on both sides. We need each other! ???? … please. Can we stop. We are supposed to be leading our people,” he wrote.
This past weekend he also went to Namibia for a show that left fans loving him even more. What the show revealed is that he is on a verge to prove just how amazing it can be if South Africans get together.
It also revealed just how much he charges per show. The Jika hit-maker charges R30 000 per show. In addition he won an award at the event for Best Pan African.
“Thank You Namibia. Sorry if couldn’t be there this evening. I hope and pray to see you soon. ❤️ Best Pan African ?? … Xenophobia is for dummies. 1 LOVE,” he tweeted.