Find Out How Long Kwesta’s ‘Spirit’ Has Been On Number 1 On Overall Charts!

Find Out How Long Kwesta’s ‘Spirit’ Has Been On Number 1 On Overall Charts! The amount of support that the Spirit song has been getting ever since it came out is amazing. It has been topping the charts for the longest time in 2018.
“Spirit” came out late last year as a single and has been on number 1 for the past 10 weeks which is extraordinary under any circumstances. Not only has the song been topping charts, It has been the most played song in South Africa. It has been the most played song on radio for 3 consecutive weeks.
The video has been on YouTube for about two weeks and has reached over half a million views. “There people who don’t want our CULTURE on your TV screens, but we won’t allow them to kill the #SpiritMusicVideo ft. @Wale!” tweeted Kwesta.