AKA Retracts His ‘Don’t Vote For Me,’ Statement On SAMA’s
AKA Retracts His 'Don't Vote For Me,' Statement On SAMA's

AKA Retracts His ‘Don’t Vote For Me,’ Statement On SAMA’s! On Thursday afternoon AKA tweeted to his fans that they shouldn’t bother wasting their money voting for him at this years SAMA’s.
“While I appreciate and thank the SAMAs for the nominations, right now I’m just not focused on campaigning for votes to win awards,” tweeted the Supa Mega. He went on to tweet that he doesn’t have anything against the SAMA’s but the fact that his other big songs like Caiphus Song were not nominated.
The rapper had stated that he would much rather focus on next years ceremonies until a friend of his apparently called and told him that Caiphus Song, World is Yours and Don’t forget to Pray are nominated. “APOLOGIES … someone just called me and told me Caiphus Song, World is Yours & Don’t forget to Pray are all nominated … sorry guys … I legit didn’t know,” tweeted AKA.