Is Chad Da Don Beefing With The Wrecking Crew? Emtee recently tweeted out of the blue that all he knows is that La Flame is Travis Scott. This being a follow up on the beef we saw manifest earlier this year but had quietened over time.
All I know is … la flame is Travis Scott
— Abangani (@EmteeSA) 23 June 2018
When the ATM boss tweeted that all he knows is that La Flame is Travis Scott, Chad Da Don replied to this tweet by a simple “lol”. This caught one of the Wrecking Crew’s fans who then went on to ask Chad if he wanted to get on the crews bad side.
— #MRKOROBELA (@ChadDaDon) 23 June 2018
“Wanna get on the bad side of The Wrecking Crew….. Don……???? Pasop,” tweeted the fan. The rappers response to the TWC fan is what then seemed to be a jab to some. “Tsek” read the rappers reply to the fans question.
Wanna get on the bad side of The Wrecking Crew….. Don……????
Pasop pic.twitter.com/BbxCPJHziY— KinG.. ? (@kingIsaac_T) 23 June 2018
— #MRKOROBELA (@ChadDaDon) 24 June 2018