
Cassper’s Reaction To K Naomi Saying Nadia The Hottest Female Rapper

Cassper's Reaction To K Naomi Saying Nadia The Hottest Female Rapper

Cassper’s Reaction To K Naomi Saying Nadia The Hottest Female Rapper! Ever since Nadia Nakai stepped onto the Hip Hop scene, she has been making waves with both her music and being the baddest in the game.

K Naomi recently went on to twitter to share her opinion onb who the hottest female in the rap game is nbaming Nadia Nakai. “Hottest female rapper in S.A ,” tweeted K Naomi.

Cassper saw this tweet and responded saying that he agrees with K Naomni’s assessment. “Your opinion, also FACTUAL!!! She’s by far the hottest!!!,” read Cassper’s response to the tweet.

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