“I know what it is like to be alone and heartbroken,” Says Sean Pages

Even rappers with the bad boy status get their hearts broken once in a while. Sean Pages is one of them and with Valentines Day approaching, the rapper is putting his heart on his sleeve in an attempt to avoid spending the day alone. “I know what it is like to be alone and heartbroken,” Says Sean Pages.

The rapper is running a competition where one his female fans will get to spend the day of love with him. Sean Pages says he’s doing it because he knows what it’s like not to have a Valentines date.
“I know what it is like to be alone and heartbroken on Valentine’s Day and I realise that I am not the only one so I decided to give one person a chance to have a great Valentine’s Day,” he said.
All you have to do to win a Valentines Date with Sean Pages is share a story about lost love, or “the one that got away”, and tag Sean’s Twitter or Instagram handles.
“Some people haven’t had a Valentine in many years and so I want to treat them like a princess, make them feel special, and make the day memorable.”