Kid Tini Speaks On Why He’s Not A ‘skrr skrr’ Rapper

Kid Tini Speaks On Why He’s Not A ‘skrr skrr’ Rapper! The Ambitiouz Entertainment rapper’s music always addresses issues affecting our societies. From depression, teenage pregnancy, abortion and suicide.
Just like his latest single Cinga which he recently dropped a video for. Tini opened up about why it’s important for him to make music that’s meaningful saying that he feels that often things just get swept under the carpet. He added that talking about it will make the issues stop being taboo.
“I think it is more difficult because you have to speak about things that other people don’t want to speak about or maybe even hear. These topics are hard to speak about but I am trying to break the boundaries and take away the stigmas attached to them,” he said.
The rapper speaks from experience having had an incident teenage pregnancy himself. “I have always felt like my music needs to have a message. This was about what I have gone through at a point in my life, which is teenage pregnancy. I spoke to the lady. We worked around it. I spoke to her family. It really helped having people around us that were not judgmental but supportive,” he shared.
Check out his music video for Cinga below.