Boity Teases A New Track She’s Working On

Boity is proving to make best of her rap career and despite the critics she is adamant on making music, with two singles ‘Wuz Dat’ and ‘Bakae’ to her name the media personality has announced the third single she is working on.
The new single she teased is definitely flames and has captured a whole lot of audience with many highlighting how they cannot wait to hear the full song, unfortunately she didn’t reveal when exactly is it going to release.
Boity had gotten into some hot water for her music, a UK rapper named K claimed that she stole the song Bakae from her and that she was taking legal actions against her.
“I could recognize my signature and my structure on Boity’s verses. I’m a songwriter and I can write a song in minutes. I took time to really structure that song [Cake] to really put my signature on it and show a part of me that people are not acquainted.” said Karen who was born in Botswana and has lived in South Africa for some years.
The matter is getting worse because Karen has even passed the matter to legal teams.
“I’ve chosen a lawyer who did her research and she was very thorough and what we know so far is that the song was written by Boity and Moeketsi and published through Universal. We can prove that my original song was promoted in 2018 in Botswana and South Africa and that promo was played over 60 000 times.
“We are now awaiting results from forensic analysts who will be able to prove that Bakae manipulated Cake and that my sound and authenticity were stolen. Now it’s about finding out who is responsible and make sure they are held accountable. I’ve just finalised my own record deal and I’ve got the funds to fight this.”