
Ambitiouz Entertainment Reportedly Repossesses Emtee’s Cars & House

According to the latest reports by Sunday Sun Emtee’s record label Ambitiouz Entertainment has taken all his cars and the house he was renting in Mindrand.

The paper alleges that the situation between the rapper and the label has taken a turn for the worst. Lebo Manswanganyi who is the rapper’s manager confirmed the news by stating that the label repossessed his cars Mercedez Benz and his house in Johannesburg, Midrand.

The rapper now uses an Uber and has moved back to Orange Grove. The actions of the label are a result of Emtee expressing himself on social media for his unhappiness with the label. “He’s been unhappy but as they throwing money at him , he kept his cool. Until other artists left, his eyes were opened to what was happening at Ambitiouz Entertainment. He really wants to be free so he can have his creative freedom,” said the anonymous source speaking to the paper.

On a show Behind The Story which was aired last week A-reece confirmed that Emtee wanted to leave long before him but could not due to the contract and how he will easily lose out while he has a family to think about.

It was further stated that the rapper has cut ties with the label and focused on his stable ATM which he has been working on releasing music under. The rapper’s manager said that Emtee doesn’t owe the company anything. “He doesn’t owe the company any album. He’s trying to find a way to leave without burning bridges. He’s trying to avoid being an enemy of Ambitiouz’s,” said Lebo.

The label’s boss Kgosi Mahumapelo denied any of the issue to be true. “None of this is true. The issue of the house, car and two albums are not true.”

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