Sjava Shows Off Where He Gets Most Of His Clothes

Sjava Shows Off Where He Gets Most Of His Clothes. For a while now people have been questioning Sjava’s fashion and now he has fed into the curiosity by revealing where he gets most of his clothes.
Sjava is by no denial one of the successful rappers which means he is papered up, the fact of him wearing peculiar clothes and not shaving his beard led to some people believing he doesn’t take care of himself even with the money he has. Sjava has taken offence from the negative comments concerning his clothes and he clapped back.
Now he has revealed that he actually get most of his clothes from Thrift shops which cost much less and have the most fashionable clothes that most people always underrate. Unlike most people in the industry out to look flashy the rapper begs to differ from all levels, not only is his music authentic but but his style as well.
Below are images showing him off having his pick on his favourite store and taking pics with young fans.