SA Successful Rappers With Unverified Social Media Accounts

SA Successful Rappers With Unverified Social Media Accounts. One may ask what is the big deal with having a verified social media account? Well, the short answer to that is that it is of great benefit when you a celebrity.
Verification serves as a unique identification of a public figure. In terms of Twitter, for one to be verified their accounts must be maintained by users on a public medium such as music, acting, fashion, government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business etc.
When you a big brand or run a big company you run a risk of having your account impersonated. Yes there are bored and con people out there who can destroy your public image through impersonation. Better safe than sorry. Also you often susceptible to hacking if you not verified.
It is quite a process to get the account verified but when done it seems worth it, unfortunately some rappers haven’t gotten around to verifying theirs. Unverified means there’s no blue tick by the display name.
Here’s a list of rappers SA Rappers With Unverified Social Media Account:
2. Sjava
3. Emtee
4. Touchline
5. Sho Madjozi
J Molley
The Big Hash