“You don’t need rappers to make it” – Sjava

“You don’t need rappers to make it” – Sjava. Any young rapper who aspires to be big feels that one of the best ways to make it – is to get the help from famous rappers.
Nowadays one way aspirant rappers put themselves out there is by sharing their music on social media and tagging big time rappers. They do so hoping to get recognition from them, to get a sign up from their stables or a feature which may get them to the top. These acts have benefitted others, while some are still struggling.
Sjava was tagged on a video clip of a Twitter sensation rapper by the name of The Duela who has impressed countless followers. Unlike most he tagged, Sjava commented and gave advise of how you don’t always need those at the top to make it.
“No one is sleeping on @The_Duela he must just keep doing what he does he is already amazing okusele nje its to grow the fan base you don’t need rappers to make it he is not making music for the rappers but for the people if he keeps working hard ekugcineni kuzolunga,” wrote Sjava.
K.O also said something along similar lines of how mainstream rappers don’t owe anyone anything.
“No one owes you anything, I’ve never heard of you for me to be shutting any doors on you. Folks with entitlement issues never get far anyway,” wrote K.O.
Watch The Duela’s freestyle;