“Cape Town started this SA rapping sh*t & look at the thanks we get” – YoungstaCPT

“Cape Town started this SA rapping sh*t & look the thanks we get” – YoungstaCPT. Once again YoungstaCpt has taken it upon himself to defend his hometown and highlight how his people are disregarded and not given credit for certain things.
Youngsta said that Cape Town started SA rapping, and unfortunately they get no thanks for such. He added on by sending a S/O to the classic Hip hop group – POC.
“Cape Town started this SA rapping shit?!? And look at the murfuckin thanks we get?!? SALUTAS to POC.”
According to brief history shared by RedBull online page of Hip hop in SA, it actually started in Cape Town. The people who started it are coloured people.
A break dance crew founded in 1982, which later would also include graffiti, Black Noise became South Africa’s first complete hip hop outfit, emerging from the Cape Flats in 1989 as a crew and addressing social issues in their lyrics.
The classic Hip hop musicians who groomed the genre include POC whp releasd their first full LP ‘Boom Style’ in 1989, followed by the first local hip hop studio album ‘Our World’ in 1990. Their music was banned by the SABC due to the content of the lyrics.
Brasse vannie Kaap became the second big group and released their album ‘BVK’ featuring their unique brand of Cape Flats inspired hip hop, rapping in local slang and Afrikaans.