Priddy Ugly Responds To People’s Views That He Is Better Than Most SA Rappers

Priddy Ugly Responds To People’s Views That He Is Better Than Most SA Rappers. Priddy Ugly has had a wild ride with his South African hip-hop fans. The rapper has been labelled a “struggling rapper,” but he has stated that social media haters would not deter him from making music.

Despite the negative perception of his rap game, Priddy Ugly still has hip-hop fans who listen to his music and believe he is better than other rappers. The father of one acknowledged on Twitter that there is some validity to those who think he is a better rapper in South African hip hop compared to others “People think I think I’m better than most rappers, this statement holds truth,” he tweeted.
The rapper continued by saying that his sole goal is to create music that would uplift men and boys while setting an exceptional example. “But really what I’m trying to do is make PEOPLE better, (as a man, I speak to men & boys specifically) & that’s by leading by example – hoping you follow suit.” Added Priddy Ugly in a tweet.
Priddy Ugly has made it known that he is currently working on his new album and it’s only a matter of time before it comes out to the public. “I repeat, recording complete! No last minute features, no beats needed. Just gotta send these seps to Zoo. Dankie.” Tweeted Priddy Ugly.
It would be intriguing to observe whether the album has motivating sentiments given that the rapper stated that’s what he wants to accomplish with his songs.