Exclusive Response From Woolworths Over Ginger Trill’s Concern

Exclusive Response From Woolworths Over Ginger Trill’s Concern! Earlier this week, artists took to social media airing their frustrations with Woolworths for having allegedly decided to stop playing local music.
Ginger Trill and Toya Delazy was on the forefront of the rants. The rapper tweeted his concern that local artists will suffer. “I can tell you now a lot of us need our royalty cheques to keep going in this business, it’s such a significant part of our income, it keeps the lights on in some instances and this whole thing with Woolies is gonna be devastating,” he tweeted.
Woolworths responded in an exclusive email to SA Hip Hop confirming that it was not true and there won’t be changes.
“We have confirmed with our music supplier that they absolutely still include South African music in our playlists, and there is currently no intention to change this. It is not clear what the source for Mr Seroalo, aka Ginger Trill’s information is, but we wanted to let you know that it is incorrect and unfounded,” said Woolworths PR Manager Raphaella Frame-Tolmie in a statement.