Eminem Provides More Precise Answer Of Whether ‘Marshall Law’ Is His Upcoming Album Or Not

Eminem Provides More Precise Answer Of Whether ‘Marshall Law’ Is His Upcoming Album Or Not. If it was for Em’s fans he would be dropping mew music daily.
Back in January he dropped the highly anticipated 11th studio album titled Music To Be Murdered By.
When the term ‘Marshall Law’ started trending people thought that the rapper was teasing his next release. Marshall is his surname. It all remained a mystery until the Godzilla rapper came forward with clarification.
“Sorry guys…Marshall Law: not a thing,” he tweeted.
United States Senator Marco Rubio apologized for contributing to the “Marshall Law” confusion.
“I apologize for the typo,” Rubio wrote. “I meant to type stupid rumors about martial law not marshall law. My bad.”
Martial Law is “the law administered by military forces that’s invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety,” as defined by Merriam-Webster.