Zingah Opens Up About His Relationship With K.O. It might not make news everyday but South Aftican Hip Hop artists do more of each other than they let the public know.
Zingah is one of the artist who were lucky enough to be assisted by K.O which influenced his growth in music. The two have recently collaborated on Lead The Way and from the debut single on Skhanda World ‘Kila Combo’.
The relationship between them leads back to when Zingah went by Smashis. On a recent interview with Slikour he spoke about his growth in music, most importantly his relationship with K.O.
You definitely understand how great KO is 👀🤞🏽
You have my respect 🤝— Himothy The Boy (@Zingah_LOTJ) August 18, 2019
After the success of Dlala Zingah has been working to prove his proclamation of being the best in the game.