Zoocci Coke Dope Lashes Out On Hip Hop Fans For Not Knowing The Difference ‘Fire & Mess’ Music

Zoocci Coke Dope Lashes Out On Hip Hop Fans For Not Knowing The Difference ‘Fire & Mess’ Music. Rapper and music producer Zoocci Coke Dope decided to vent a bit on the state of Hip hop in South Africa. He actually directed his fury at fans more than he did on artists.
The 26 year-old took to social media to express an implication that SA Hip hop fans don’t deserve to hear the music of his caliber. According to his reasoning people gas up music that doesn’t deserve to be on high streams. Added that he was doubtful at dropping Anxiety album because some fans just can’t differentiate between good and bad music.
“I been had new music ready, music that’s years ahead of ANXIETY but with the shit y’all gas here everyday, y’all don’t deserve to hear music of this caliber. Not even ANXIETY,” he wrote.
The Insecure rapper went on to press harder on his view and stated that indeed.
“I might tell Kilo not to drop Pheli Makaveli till y’all actually know the difference between fire and all the mess y’all cap about,” he added. In the process of his rant he have praise to Nasty C and Areece hailing them as the only two stars good enough to uplift the genre.
“Nasty C & Baby Boy represent the SAHipHip I believe in and am part of. All that other noise is BIG ?.”