Twitter Calls For Flame To Leave His Girlfriend And Here’s Why

Twitter Calls For Flame To Leave His Girlfriend And Here’s Why! Flame is getting a big old fashioned ‘I told you so’ on twitter after J Molley’s manager called his girlfriend (Ashleigh Olge) a “communal”.
In some very exposing tweets Nav Albers exposed the nature of his and Ashleigh’s relationship which is clearly more than just friends for the world to see. “So @FlvmeSA got involved cause I told him that his girl is actually OUR girl. Funny, Bro I told you ima show you the rest of the videos she sent me in person, why’s it weird now?,” Albers tweeted to Flame.
Albers furthermore shared private WhatsApp texts between him and Olge where she is allegedly complementing him on his looks. “Your face is perfect“, the text reads.
It seems like Albers is also stirring up the pot as he is planning to meet Flame face to face, insinuating that some action might result between the two. According to Albers, Ashleigh has also been doing the rounds in other men’s DM’s on social media even offering to substantiate his claims with receipts.
“You can also go check her IG DM’s to J. You and her been about the crew that’s why you put @kashcpt on your project too,” he added.
Twitter was quick to comment on the post claiming that Flame should breakup with his long-time girlfriend because she is doing more bad than good to the talented rappers career, claiming she is the reason why The Wrecking Crew split up. Flame’s fans reminded him that he was warned by many including his former friend A-Reece that Ashleigh was just no good.