Tumi Molekane Believes That Rap Needs More Ghostwriters: “What if I told you your favourite local rap song was ghostwritten?”

T from the V! The man that will always spit the truth about the current state of SA Hip Hop.
As we all know about the whole Drake and Meek situation, Drake released another diss track today after Meek claimed that drizzy has a ghostwriter.
Now Tumi’s take on this is that that’s what the game should be about. Yes, one of SA’s best rappers says that the best way to make music is to have one person write it and the other spit it.
Tumi took to Twitter to share his views regarding ghostwriters and basically asked, why not share the bread and help those who are struggling in the industry?
Molekane ended off his Twitter Lesson with a very important question; “What if I told you your favourite local rap song was ghostwritten?”….
Uhmmm…is Tumi about to go all Meek on us?
Check out all his Tweets below, do you agree with the legend?
Take The Help And Keep Quiet!…
I been saying. The sooner rappers accept help from better writers, the better the music will become. I am not precious about ghostwriters…
— #ReturnOfTheKing (@TumiMolekane) July 29, 2015
Who Cares About Who Wrote It?…
To me, the game changed when you don’t really have to be what you say you are in raps. Soon as that changed, who cares who writes the Shit?
— #ReturnOfTheKing (@TumiMolekane) July 29, 2015
I Knew It…
When Drake rapped about cooking crack, I stopped even caring that Aubrey writes his own raps. You are already asking me to suspend belief.
— #ReturnOfTheKing (@TumiMolekane) July 29, 2015
We Need More Ghostwriters…
I actually think rapp needs more ghostwriters. Spread the bread, give some of these short ugly writers work, and these pretty fools bars.
— #ReturnOfTheKing (@TumiMolekane) July 29, 2015
What If I Told You…
What if I told you your favourite local rap song was ghostwritten? Let’s leave that alone.
— #ReturnOfTheKing (@TumiMolekane) July 29, 2015