Nasty C On Why He Titled His First Album ‘Bad Hair’!

Nasty C On Why He Titled His First Album ‘Bad Hair’! Nasty C has an interesting relationship with his hair and often experiments with it. From locks to short hair to blonde, he’s done most of it with it.
Nasty C’s first studio album was titled Bad Hair which might seem random but there’s a story and family history behind it. In a recent interview, the Zulu Man With Some Power rapper explained why he chose that particular for his first offering.
“I was looking for a title and I didn’t want to come up with something to rapy or too deep. I was like let me just pick one thing about myself that I know is a fact, so I’d be able to explain it to someone if they ask me about it. It’s also just easy to remember. It raises a lot of questions… ‘why the f*ck would name your album Bad Hair?’, type of sh*t, it will make people want to stream it and listen to it,” Nasty C explained.
Nasty went on to explain how bad his and his brother’s hair is saying, “I have bad hair, my hair is the worst. It breaks, it needs a lot of attention. I have to bug my girl to help me out with products and stuff cause I don’t know nothing about it. She has to wash it, clean it, braid it, unbraid it and all that type of stuff.”
“Our family just doesn’t have good hair. My brother has the worst hairline, my brother before him has an even worse hairline. My little brother’s hair is like brown…off reddish you know, it runs in the family,” he added.