Gigi Lamayne Goes Into Fortune Telling

Gigi Lamayne Goes Into Fortune Telling! During the lockdown many have developed many interest and rapper Gigi lamayne has found her. The rapper has now been tapping into the spirit realm with the help of her a fortune teller on her Instagram.
The rapper took to her twitter in a video telling her fans that many people have been asking her about a very important phsycic friend named Spirit that she went to see and the episodes aired on Fox Live and SABC 3.
The two ladies came together to create an experience for her fans where they connected them to someone whose passed away or even what lies in your future.
“So basically we are coming together to give you guys an experience this coming Sunday” she said.
Those who were interested were encouraged to leave their details on the rappers time line and they would be put in line for a reading but they had to act fast because space was limited .
The reading took place on her Instagram live and we don’t know if this is going to become a regular thing but if you’re in need of some clarity, Sis has got you covered.
By Sinakho Mandla