Watch! Riky Rick’s Advert For Vaseline SA

Riky Rick was announced the new face of Vaseline Men SA Start Strong Campaign and all we have to stay is he stays shinning. Vaseline has just released the 10-seconds long ad highlighting how the product restores the driest skin giving men the edge to start strong. Watch! Riky Rick’s advert for Vaseline SA.

“The #StartStrong campaign pays homage to the quintessential modern South African man on the path to greatness: hardworking, well-groomed, career-driven and focused,” Vaseline SA explained. Check out the ad below.
Riky Rick took to twitter to express his gratitude and how overwhelmed he feels with all the love.
Please watch this video ?? This is the only way I can say thank you for your love and support… #STARTSTRONG #STAYSHINING
Pls RT 4 the ?
— #STAYSHINING ? (@rikyrickworld) April 13, 2017