How Emtee Defended His Statement On University Of Cape Town Being A Racist Place

How Emtee Defended His Statement On University Of Cape Town Being A Racist Place. In the recent weeks the main topic across social media platforms has been the racial actions done by whites to black people.
The death of American citizen George Floyd actually woke many wounds around racism.
Rapper Emtee has shared his views on many things but has never been as upfront as he was lately. The Manando star called out the University Of Cape Town for being racist.
When questioned on the stance of his view he defended it. He used his reference as a rapper to explain that he didn’t just base the opinions on what was scraped off the surface, instead from factual knowledge one has to gather as a great artist.
“What I love about being a “rappER” is that I READ. I SPECIALIZE IN LAGUAGE and speech. There’s no great artist on this planet that’s clueless about their history or heritage,” he wrote.
University of Cape Town has made a number of headlines about racism. Students inclusive of staff workers from various sectors have shared their complaints.
Back in 2019 IOL reported findings from the Institutional Reconciliation and Transformation Commission (IRTC) which proved it all to be true.
Former Azanian People’s Organisation (Azapo) president, respected academic and author Mosibudi Mangena, chaired the commission of which anti-apartheid activist and former Justice of the Constitutional Court Judge Zak Yacoob and leading human rights lawyer Yasmin Sooka were members.
They stated receiving over 80 submissions, held amnesty and public hearings as well as examined many documents submitted by the university, students and other interested persons or entities.
“It is worth noting that not a single submission claimed that UCT was not a racist place,” the report stated.
“Racism at the UCT often demonstrates itself in subtle forms of daily micro-aggressions which have an impact equal to direct and explicit racial discrimination.”
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