Saudi Continues To Lead As The Most Streamed SA Rapper On Spotify!

Saudi Continues To Lead As The Most Streamed SA Rapper On Spotify. In the times Saudi has spent in the industry he has been been classified as a rapper below the radar.
Most people have the same idea on how success should look like especially for rappers. Saudi on the other hand has been creating his own film filled with eries of successes for his musical talent and skills. The rapper isn’t keeping his push a secret but is adamant on proving that he isn’t just below on any radar, if anything way above it. He doesn’t brag much bit his numbers does.
The Anymore rapper revealed last year having over 41.9 million streams on his songs on Spotify. It shocked people who still questioned his abilities. This year he released a Mixtape based on his tracks that leaked earlier on, The Drips Leak Mixtape. Months later, he remains at number one as an SA Rapper with the most listeners monthly on Spotify.
Back in March he expressed how his songs were removed from Spotify allegedly by former label Ambitiouz Entertainment.
“DONT KNOW HOW WHEN WHO WHY THATS ON my acount.. all I know is I got more songs than anybody in the business But you know its S H O W then T E L L .. enter: BEASTMODE AKA SUPA SAIYAN 3 (game face),” wrote Saudi.
Even so Saudi is officially leading in numbers on the app, artists such as Cassper, Nasty C and AKA have below 500 000 listeners monthly.