AKA Reveals He Has Tested Positive For COVID-19!

AKA Reveals He Has Tested Positive For COVID-19! Rapper Kiernan “AKA” Forbes has announced that he has tested positive for COVID-19 in a statement released on social media Friday afternoon.
AKA took to social media sharing the news in an attempt to plead with the nation to adhere to social distancing guidelines. The statement also makes it clear that whilst the rapper has tested positive, he had been taking precautions put in place by the SA government and WHO.
“In an attempt to create awareness around the virus and to caution citizens to be more careful in their daily interactions with others, AKA has chosen to make his results public,” the statement reads.
“…COVID-19 has become a very real part of many lives in South Africa and AKA will therefore be sharing his recovery journey with everyone whilst in self-isolation as he aims to be as transparent as possible about his journey with COVID-19,” the statement revealed.
“Stay Safe,” AKA simply captioned the media statement. Speedy recovery to the SupaMega!