Zingah On What He Thinks Of AKA Constantly Referring To Himself As The Greatest To Ever Do It

Zingah On What He Thinks Of AKA Constantly Referring To Himself As The Greatest To Ever Do It. We have heard it all how AKA constantly refer to himself as the best South African Hip hop star to ever do it.
What we don’t know much of is how others feel when he displays his confidence in such manner.
Fellow rapper Zingah decided to raise a view on the offence some people may feel when others proclaim to be best. He went on a mini rant after his encounter with AKA over the phone. He stated that Mega constantly referred to himself as the best to ever do it, he added on how all that made him feel.
“Why have people always had such an issue with other people knowing how great they are?! ?That’s weird.
“I was on the phone with AKA like two nights ago, he was playing me some of his new music. On that phone call he referred to himself as the greatest to ever do it several times. Not for a single second did it make me feel any way at all.”
Zingah and AKA are currently each working on new big projects and have confirmed to feature each other on a few tracks.