Lynn Forbes Pens Heartfelt Note About AKA Following His DSTV Content Creator Award Win

Lynn Forbes Pens Heartfelt Note About AKA Following His DSTV Content Creator Award Win. AKA’s mother Lynn Forbes turned to social media to express her delight and excitement following her son’s recent win at the prestigious DSTV Content Creator Awards.

The late rapper, who tragically passed away in February of this year, posthumously received the Song of the Year Award for his chart-topping track “Lemons (Lemonade),” a collaboration with Nasty C, at an event held in Johannesburg.
After accepting the award on her son’s behalf, Lynn Forbes took to Instagram to share a heartfelt and lengthy message, reflecting on the late rapper’s remarkable accomplishments. “As I reflect on the last 7 months since Kiernan’s tragic death, I’m left with the following thoughts: As a mother, I believe Kiernan was not of this world. He was bigger than this world. He lived large, loved large and expressed himself … large,” she said.
Lynn Forbes also known as Glammy expressed that AKA is teaching her meaningful lessons even in his death. “I knew my son in life but in death, he is teaching me deeper, more meaningful things about his life and who he really was as a person. Kiernan is written into history. My son is a legend and he will live forever. His legacy will never end.
“Human beings are flawed, we are not perfect and neither was he. As a mother I acknowledge and accept his flaws. Simultaneously I celebrate his life and the profound contribution he has made to this world.”
The late rapper’s mother also emphasized that it is her duty, privilege, and calling to safeguard AKA‘s legacy for the sake of his daughter, Kairo, and the loyal Megacy fanbase.
“The ways in which Kiernan has been honoured, in the month’s following his death, speaks volumes. The recognition, tributes and pouring out of love is bigger than his talent as an artist, it’s a reflection of the human being he was, the impact he made and the legacy he created.
“It is my duty, privilege and purpose to preserve his legacy for his daughter Kairo and the Megacy. Today I feel blessed that he chose me to be his mom. I am a proud mother with a very grateful heart. Thank you,” she added.