“Do Not Have Sex With Drunk Women, It’s Rape!” MaraZa Warns Young Guys!

“Do Not Have Sex With Drunk Women, It’s Rape!” MaraZa Warns Young Guys! Maraza has decided to advise young men to desist from indulging in sexual acts with drunk women as it is rape.
This warning by the Korobela rapper follows after a series of tweets were shared by a tweep narrating her chilling ordeal of how she untimely lost her virginity after a stranger took advantage and had sexually intercourse with her in her drunken state.
The Phansi Phezulu rapper was touched by this story and commented with a stern warning to young man to desist from indulging in any sexual activity with drunk women. He said any sexual act with a drunk woman is considered as rape as that person would not have consented.
“Dear young guys: READ THIS THREAD!!! DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH DRUNK WOMEN! No matter what you THINK IS GOING ON, IT IS rape, because you are having sex with someone who CAN’T SAY NO!!! SILENCE is NOT a YES!” MaraZa warned.