“I’m scared,” Emtee Details How His Wife Has Been Physically Abusing Him
Emtee claims police took all his weed!

“I’m scared,” Emtee Details How His Wife Has Been Physically Abusing Him. We have seen The Hustla flaunting his relationship on social media expressing the love he has for his family, what we weren’t aware of was that the issues within his household were turning sour by the minute.
Emtee took to Twitter to express that his wife Nicole Chinsamy called the police on him claiming that he beat her up several times in the past. The Manando rapper claims that the police were called twice on him and claims that he was the one getting beat up by the wife.
“Can I be single please. I’m a man of peace. Ang’zwani namasimba. Sizani bo! Seng’ze nga bizelwa ama poyisa ka bili ngingenzanga lutho bathatha yonke Intsangu yam. Uthi mina ngiyam’shaya lapho ushaya mina, thuka mina,”he wrote.
He added that the mother of her two sons called her family on him and they physically abused him.
“Ang’safuni lutho nje. Ngibizelwa yiz’gora Zabo Bhuti bakhe. Omalume no mama wakhona who tried to choke me and I saw the evil in her as she was holding me by the throat against the wall,” added Emtee.
While other believe he is attempting to push some PR for his work, he has made numerous statements expressing how he is tired of his wife and wants nothing but his children.
“I haven’t freshened up in 2 days cos I can’t stand being in the same room as this person. She’s hit me, bruised me and choked me over the years so I’m scared FR,” expressed the terrified Emtee.
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