Sjava Reacts To Requests Of A Heartbreak Song From His Separation With Lady Zamar

Sjava Reacts To Requests Of A Heartbreak Song From His Separation With Lady Zamar. If you ever think of confronting Sjava thinking he will lay back and let you roll over him, you might want to rethink that.
The way Sjava is setting a pattern of putting people in the right direction and terms with him is both humorous and astonishing. Lately the musician gave into the curiosity fans have been having of his past relationship with songstress Lady Zamar.
Looking back into some of his old records of heartbreak songs assumed were of personal experiences, fans wanted him to drop another hit possibly depicting his love and heartbreak for the Collide singer.
When one fan requested for such accompanying with a brief story to his recent experience of being dumped, Sjava showed no sympathy at all.
” Ulayekile ngathi angayimithisa futhi lo ekushiyele yena,” wrote Sjava, basically it interpreters as “it served him right”.