Duncan Apologizes After Dragging Priddy Ugly’s Daughter Into Their Twar

Duncan Apologizes After Dragging Priddy Ugly’s Daughter Into Their Twar. Rappers Priddy Ugly and Duncan recently found themselves at loggerheads on Twitter but it seems that after a few tweets they have been able to resolve their issue. Peace only came after Duncan apologised for going below the belt during their Twar.
The Twar was sparked by Priddy Ugly sharing on Twitter that when it comes to his pen skills, he is not afraid of anyone. Duncan caught wind of the rapper’s tweet and reacted to it. Sparking a back and forth between the two rappers. Priddy wrote in Zulu “Angisabi muntu” with a pen in hand emoji and Duncan responded “Awume wena sqamu (Stop you shorty)“

Duncan in one of his responses to Priddy went below the belt and spoke of the rapper’s child. In a now-deleted tweet, Duncan wrote “N**ga you full of jokes that’s why Ingane yakho ifana no Trevor Noah.” Priddy did not take lightly to the joke and his response cautioned Duncan to stop as he was old. “Duncan umdala mfwethu”.
Duncan after realising his mistake apologised to Priddy and said he would delete the tweet, which he did. “Sorry bro ngyaxolisa leme delete this tweet”. A tweep, asked Duncan why is he apologising to which he responded he is demonstrating “ubuntu” as people had corrected him and said that he was not meant to mention the child, and he has seen his mistake.
The Durban MC in a separate tweet apologised to those he offended with his about Priddy’s child and shared that he didn’t think it would get such a reaction. “Ngeke sisa rapper ngoba niyazwela asivele siyiyeke idlule lento ngyaxolisa kwaba be offended ngele tweet yam about ukufana kwengane angicabanganga ukuthi izoba nomsindo kangaka,” he tweeted.
Priddy seems to have accepted Duncan’s apology as he responded to the rapper’s apology with the sho and hand punch emoji. He also shared on his tweet that Duncan and Zakwe have an album out, “Hip Hop is alive and well” and continued to call for rappers to keep rapping.