Reason Explains Why He Never Got To Work With Timbaland After He Expressed Interest

Reason Explains Why He Never Got To Work With Timbaland After He Expressed Interest. Rapper Reason over the years has interacted with several international Hip Hop stars and each have had they own impact on him. However there is one interaction that stands out for the South Ah rapper. During his interview with Texx Talks Reason revealed what happened when he met with U.S producer and artist Timbaland. Reason’s moment was a truly unforgettable one as not only did Timbaland praises the rapper’s talent, he also indicated wanting to work with Reason.
Texx asked, Reason which international artist stands out for him that he to this day can’t belive he once shared the stage with. Reason has shared the stage with many international artists who have performed on South Ah stages. In his response Reason without hesitation said Timbaland is the one international artist who stood out for him as he invited him backstage and had an actual conversation with Reason.

“Timbaland invited me backstage, Timbaland invited me backstage, infact before he invited me backstage he was backstage when I was performing. I remember when he got on stage I was like on the side of the stage just watching the show, I wasn’t in the crowd, I wasn’t at the back I just found a position and I remember seeing this guy with steam coming out of his head because he was hot and he just said yho cut the music and went did you hear that kid Reason I was like, yho. He was like you guys some talent out here, that kid is dope, that kid is amazing, he went on and on. And I was like wow this is legit, like this is happening right now,” shared Reason.
The praises did not only stop on stage but continued in private. Reason shared with Texx that he later meet up backstage with Timbaland following his performance and they got to connect a little more. During their conversation Timbaland even told Reason that had they met at a different time, he would have taken the rapper along with him.
“After the show one of the guys from Castle Lite came directly to me and said, yo man this guy wants to see you, he wants you to come to the backstage and have a conversation with him and we went. He legit invested time and gave me some push and his whole thing, I think at the time he was working on Beyonce’s album and his whole thing was like damm man it’s just i wish this was a different time because I would have actually taken you with me and we would have actually done some work but I got this thing going… That was the energy he was giving, he was like dawg I would actually snatch you myself, so yeah that’s the one person that stands out.”
Listen to Reason’s Texx Talks interview here: